Spirituality Assessment
I have a strong sense of God/Higher Power/Source (however I define that) in my life.
I am satisfied with my spiritual life.
I feel well connected to a spiritual community and feel supported by that community.
I read spiritual texts and other writings to enrich my spiritual life.
The way I live my life is consistent with my spirituality, core values, and beliefs.
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings in my life.
People who know me well would describe me as very compassionate.
I am comfortable talking about my faith/spirituality with others.
I have spiritual practices and/or an active prayer life that are a regular part of my life.
People who know me well would describe me as a spiritual person.
Rest & Play Assessment
I use some of my free time as sabbath time to renew and nurture my spirituality.
I take time to recreate and renew myself regularly.
People who know me well would say I’m a fun-loving person.
I have at least one hobby or interest that I am passionate about and make time for it on a regular basis.
I love to try new things, new activities, new ways to have fun.
I am very satisfied with the amount of sleep I get.
I laugh a great deal.
I regularly have enough time to tend to all of the important relationships and important tasks in my life.
I am satisfied that I am not overly connected to email, TV, social media, laptop, etc.
I take all of the vacation and time off I am due each year, and don’t stress about work while I am away. (Or, I am retired or not working outside the home right now, and I am completely satisfied with that.)
Handling Emotions Assessment
I avoid using alcohol and other possibly addictive behaviors to deal with my emotions.
During the last month I have been able to refrain from hurting others by giving them the “silent treatment,” or by being irritable, critical, or angry with them.
When I am emotionally upset, I can turn to my spirituality and spiritual practices to help re-center myself.
I have been free of any feelings of anxiety or excessive worry in the last month.
People who are close to me would say that I handle my emotions well.
I do not feel responsible for other people’s emotions.
I can feel and express the full range of emotions (sadness, fear, joy, laughter, etc.).
When someone I care about is upset, I am comfortable listening and really being present to them. (I don’t jump in to “fix” or give advice, and I don’t walk away or detach myself.)
I am able to stay centered in situations where someone else might be perceived as “pushing my buttons”.
In the last month, I have been free of any feelings of depression and/or despair.
Healthy Relationships Assessment
I am satisfied with the relationships I have with my parents, siblings, and extended family.
I am satisfied with the quality of the relationships I have with my spouse, partner, children, and/or close friends
The teaching of my faith/spirituality are a conscious influence and guide for how I relate to others in my life.
I have forgiven family and friends for past or present hurts.
I am satisfied with the way and frequency in which I keep in touch with family and friends.
In my relationships with family and friends, I am satisfied that there is a good balance between give and take.
My family and friends know me in a deeper and more intimate way than people who are more casual friends and acquaintances.
My family and friends would say that spending time with them is a high priority for me and that my actions show this.
I have several friendships that have lasted many years.
I am able to resolve conflict in a productive way with family and friends. We are able to talk about conflict so that it does not fester.
Care for Body Assessment
I am very satisfied with the amount of regular physical activity I get.
My faith/spirituality is a positive guide for my views toward my physical well-being and how I care for my body.
I go to the doctor and dentist for regular physicals/checkups and also go as soon as a problem arises.
I am comfortable with my sexuality.
I make conscious, intentional decisions about what I eat and drink.
I am very satisfied with my current weight.
I am satisfied with my use of tobacco.
I am satisfied with the decisions that I make about the use of alcohol and/or other mood altering drugs.
I am able to ignore what the culture tells me about how I should look in terms of weight or appearance. I decide for myself what is healthy and best for me.
I eat a balanced diet and feel good overall about the relationship I have with food.
Stress Resilience Assessment
My life has been free of any major life changes, planned or unplanned, over the last two years. Or, if there have been any major changes, I am dealing with them well.
When I am stressed or in the midst of transition, I turn to God/Higher Power/Source and my spiritual life to give me strength and resilience.
In times of stress or transition, I seek support from others rather than taking my stress out on others, or isolating myself.
In the midst of stress, I am able to remain flexible and adaptable.
I anticipate and plan for changes and transitions that I know are coming, rather than simply reacting to them after they happen.
I am able to maintain a positive attitude in the midst of stress.
I am able to identify the causes of stress and set goals to address those causes.
I refrain from using alcohol, drugs, or food to numb or self-medicate myself when I am stressed.
I have been free from any physical symptoms that may be related to stress over the last month.
I refrain from making decisions, such as overcommitting and putting high expectations on myself, that self-inflict high levels of intensity and stress in my life.
Vocation Assessment
I have a clear sense of the gifts and talents that I have been given.
I make good use of the gifts and talents that I have been given in the work/school/service I do.
I am satisfied with how my work/school/service is balanced with my personal life.
I have others in my life who enjoy the same kind of work/school/service I do.
I welcome new opportunities to learn new things which will enhance my work/school/service.
My work/school/service is congruent with my spirituality, beliefs, and core values.
I would feel confident making a change in my work/school/service if I needed to.
I am happy with the pay, grades, and recognition I receive for my work/school/service.
I am proud of myself when it comes to the work/school/service I do.
I have a clear sense of purpose and direction in my work/school/service.
Organization Assessment
I have a budget and a savings and/or retirement plan and I stick to them.
My spirituality strongly guides my relationship with money and material possessions.
I am on time for appointments, meetings and social events.
I keep track of my personal belongings such as my keys, wallet, purse, or other important items, such as personal papers, and can get my hands on them immediately at any time.
At the end of the day I usually feel like I accomplished everything that I had hoped to get done that day.
I regularly make time to plan ahead for things so that I rarely have to rush around at the last minute to get ready.
People who know me well would describe me as well organized.
My finances are well organized, which means the following: I have a pretty close estimate of the balance in my bank accounts at all times, I pay all bills on time, I have savings goals and keep them, and I organize tax information and file my taxes on time each year.
If an unexpected visitor surprises me and wants to enter my home, car or office, I don’t have to worry about how messy it is.
I regularly go through my closet, basement, garage, attic, drawers and get rid of things I don’t need.